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Grief and Loss During the Pandemic

Updated: Aug 31, 2021

Covid-19 has resulted in all of us having limited time with our family, friends and loved ones. This has certainly led to those suffering from grief and loss during the pandemic having an even more difficult time. Fair Cost Funerals have created a guide to help you deal with bereavement while observing all of the social distancing guidelines put in place by the government.

How to cope with grief and loss during the pandemic?

Family, friends and loved ones may struggle to be with you in person with the bubble and social distancing guidelines. However, this does not mean you cannot talk to them in different ways. It is incredibly important for you to share how you are all feeling about the loss of someone close to you.

The internet and advances in modern technology can play an effective role in helping you to stay in touch. Software such as Whatsapp, Facetime and Zoom have made a real, tangible impact during the pandemic.

If you feel confused by the thought of using the above mentioned, there are some great guides on the web that can help you feel at ease. Check out the video below for a brilliant Whatsapp tutorial.

Arrange a time each day to make contact with someone be it a family member, friend or one of the many volenteers out there that befriend people in their time of need. If you would normally just use a telephone, try using, a video messaging app like the ones we mentioned above instead. Seeing people and what is going off in their environment off will help you to feel less isolated and more connected to them.

Prioritise yourself while grieving during the pandemic

Many people who are suffering with grief and loss during the pandemic or even looking after someone who has recently been bereaved, fail to look after themselves.

It is vitally important to make time for yourself and is all part of the healing process. Do your best to adhere to a routine as often as you can. Write a timetable down and put it somewhere you see on a regular basis throught the day. This will help to get you back on track give during those difficult moments.

When thinking about writing down your routine make sure to include the following elements.

  1. Set your alarm and get up at your usual time. This will help you keep your body clock in sync and ensure you keep regular sleep paterns

  2. Book in regular meals even if you do not feel like it. Your body and brain need fuel to operate and this will help you to feel positive about yourself

  3. Regular exercise is a must, even if this is just walking up and down your street! There are many free exercise channels on YouTube that will suit all levels of fitness and mobility.

Check out this 'Body Coach' suggestion for your daily exercise

Spring is on our doorstep and this is a perfect opertunity to get out in the garden (weather permitting). Why not plant yourself a vegetable patch to grow your own food? This can provide a welcome distraction and support you to find a focus.

There are some superb resources and communities available online. Take a look at the options below.

Ask for practical help from your support bubble

The coronavirus pandemic has left people feeling isolated and worried that they cant ask others for practical help. Whilst this can be more difficult it is certainley not the case. If you are unable to get your daily tasks done, there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking your support bubble for a hand.

People can help you with preparing meals, grocery shopping, and as long as you social-distance, you can still have help in the house.

If you are shielding or in a more medically vulnerable group, and do not have a support bubble to help you, there are charities and volenteers who can help you. Many people are accessing this kind of support for shopping, collecting medication and household maintenance.

The link below may help you find someone in the Sheffield area who can help.

How can I look after someone who is grieving during the pandemic?

Grief and Loss During the Pandemic

Supporting someone who has been bereaved during the pandemic can be hard. Many people have said they feel the support they have given has been insufficient. This couldnt be any further from the truth. You must remember that anything you can do at the moment will be providing a huge benefit and do not punish yourself for the things you are unable to do.

Try to help the person you are supporting implement the things we have mentioned above. This will be of great benefit to them.

If you can offer any help with practical jobs such as shopping or meals then let them know. If not, just arranging a time to phone or video call will all help.

For more information on planning a funeral during the pandemic check out our guide. Alternatively, give us a call on 0114 4387757

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